Okay, so I've been talking to some different people about the political race lately, and I keep saying the same things over and over, so I thought I'd get it off my chest here, and then I can be done with it. . .like that will happen!
Anyway, here's my thoughts on the two political parties, cuz let's face it, there really are only two. Anyway, my heart's desire for how I believe things should work probably lies with the actual platform of the Republican party. I say their actual platform because I don't see any Republicans actually standing for what they are supposed to stand for any more. I do think less govornment is better, I do think less taxes is better, I do believe we have a right to bear arms, I do believe life begins at conception (actually I think it begins before that, but that's another post! Anyway, I love their basic beliefs, yet I strongly oppose how I see this party acting or not acting on those beliefs.
The Democrats hold a closer place to my heart in their desire to see social justice. This fact alone is their sole redeeming tenet of belief in my opinion. I also really appreciate people who will not just speak about something, but will get out there and do something about it. I often times don't agree with how they do things, and I rarely agree with the fact that they use the govt. to do it. However, I think they have a better mindset of everyone working together for the betterment of all. Again, though, I rarely see this portrayed accurately by our current crop of legislators (read the legislators as big fat whiny blood suckers who hold their hands out to any special interest group they can).
Okay, here's my real thoughts on it all. I really don't like any of our choices politically. My opinion is that as a person seeking the kingdom of God, that means someone trying to bring about on earth what God intended for us in the beginning, we should be taking care of the social ills of society. If the true followers of God would stand up and care for the wounded and afflicted, we would not need the horrific social programs that drain our economy and provide hand-outs instead of true help. Every true follower of Jesus should be looking around their own city, state, and country to find the problems that need to be addressed. After that, since we live in such an overly blessed nation, we should also be finding ways to care for the poor and afflicted around the world.
If we were to do this, there would not be a need for large govt. and legislators trying to pass laws and institute programs that don't really help us move forward. The govt's. job would then be to organize the army, defend us, and maintain basic infrastructure. No more, that's it. Keep your crazy politically devious minds and fingers out of our lives. Of course, they way I see it, this can only happen when people realize who God created them to be, and then actually live that out. Unfortunately, I will agree with anyone who would say that the church as a whole has not been doing that lately. . .a lot of great people doing good things, but somewhat too little, too late as I see it. We need a revolution in our thinking and our living. We need to actually turn to the historical Jesus, and earnestly seek Him, and then truly live as we were made to do. . .
Of course these are just my thoughts, what do you think? Please reply and let me know.
Phatkat ><>
Christ Came to Save Sinners
3 years ago
i don't really like any of the candidates i have to choose from either, but i think you knew that already. haha.
p.s. you're on my yummy reads list on my blog. hope that's okay with you :)
OK, so I can't say I don't like any of the candidates. I do like John McCain. I completely agree with you that most all politicians stray from their parties core beliefs. Most of all, I believe that it SHOULD NOT BE the responsibility of our government to support any social issue. It is our job to care for those around us. I do feel that there may be some situations where the gov may have to step in but if we cared more for those around us, there wouldn't be much left for the government to stick their fingers in.
That leads to a larger problem. We know and agree that we need to take up the slack and not the government, but what do we do in the mean time? Even if a "revolution" started today, it would take time before any nationwide movement was felt by a homeless guy on the street. Our responsibility is to choose whichever candidate best represent those values we strive for and help facilitate the success of those values. Fighting or ignoring the system won't help.
Keep on bloggin,
A fellow journeyor
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