The power of nature, which I would submit was put in motion by God, is amazing. Whether a flood that no man made barrier can contain or a strong wind or lightning strike that no tree could stand up to, it's just amazing the raw power of nature. It's also amazing just how arrogant we are in thinking we can protect ourselves from it. It's just absolutely amazing to me. I have no more thoughts, just that we really don't seem to know our limitations.
On the other hand, sometimes it's the best thing in the world when we are limited against our will. This morning, I would have done my normal routine and gone about the day without as much concern for my son or how he was feeling. Instead, we got out the flashlights, which he loves to play with all the time anyway, and played with those. Then, we played the board game Sorry! for a while. He came out of the gate strong and was whipping my butt, but I hung in there. In games of chance, it only takes a few good cards to be back in the race. He was literally getting close to winning and I still had 3 tokens in the "start" circle. Guess what. . .I won! I was exuberant, I laughed in his face, I mocked him till he cried. . .I really hope you don't believe that! What kind of father do you think I am? Well, yes, I beat him, but we had a great time. Just dad and son, hanging out. No tv or music going in the background, just us and the silence. It was great.
Maybe we all need a forced break from electricity, just sit and listen to the silence for a while. Then, after you've felt yourself calm down, maybe read a book. Better yet, just focus on your closest friends and family. You may just be amazed at what happens.
1 comment:
our power is back on. yay :)
it was out for like three hours though. i slept :D
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